October 18, 2024
New Banking Console available in V6
The Banking Console has been rewritten in Version 6 to provide a substantially improved process for reconciling bank accounts
Related Document: Banking Console V6
September 29, 2024
BusinessCraft V6 now available
BusinessCraft Version 6 is a major product release in development over the past few years and has undergone extensive testing including beta customer sites over the past 12 months.We thank those customers who participated in the beta testing as they helped uncover issues that only tend to become evident in real world usage.Whilst the major changes in the product are technical in nature, there is still a significant impact on functionality either in terms of screen appearance and layout or actual functionality changes that have become possible through the technical changes implemented.Related Document: BusinessCraft V6
September 14, 2022
BC Service updated for Exchange (Modern Auth)
The BC Service has been updated for Exchange (Modern Auth). Please ensure you have installed and configured the new version before 1 October 2022.
October 14, 2021
Transition to Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 Process Guide
In the 2019–20 Budget, the Government announced that Single Touch Payroll (STP) would be expanded to include additional information.
This expansion of STP (STP Phase 
Related Document: Transition to Single Touch Payroll Phase 2
January 12, 2021
BusinessCraft Service Portal Updated
Major interface and functionality changes have been made to the BusinessCraft Service Portal. To reflect this the user guide has been updated with all the latest information.
November 06, 2020
JobKeeper 2.0
The How To Guide for JobKeeper has been updated for JobKeeper 2.0 requirements.
April 20, 2020
Set up and Process JobKeeper
The Federal Government has introduced a $130 billion JobKeeper Payment scheme to support businesses significantly affected by the coronavirus to help keep more Australians in jobs.
This document explains how to setup BusinessCraft to process JobKeeper transactions through Single Touch Payroll.
February 17, 2020
How to set up and use Event Activities published
This guide explains how to set up and use Event Activities. Event Activities are used to automatically present Contract and Event information into user defined views rather than requiring users to use filters and searches to obtain the same information.
Event Activities are used in the Contract Management Console Activities Tab to display all Contracts that match the Event Activity criteria and the logged in user’s security permissions. Using Event Activities enables users to quickly review and take action on the Contracts and Events that are of most importance to them in a screen designed to present information in a clear and customisable manner.
The availability of Event Activities in the Contract Management Console significantly reduces the need to use reporting including the Contracts Report Writer.
Event Activity information is presented based on user defined Event Ranges where the Start Event in the Event Range has been registered and the End Event in the Event Range has not been registered.
For example, Event Activities could be created for departments/functions or processes – e.g. Sales, Construction, Maintenance, Administration. Alternatively, Event Activities might also be used to distinguish between regions where the dataset does not easily cater for this – e.g. Hunter Sales, Sydney Sales etc. These are examples only, how Event Activities are used in each dataset is determined by business requirements.
Before using Event Activities in the Contract Management Console Activity Tab, it is important to carefully create and configure required Event Activities. This includes optionally using User Profiles and the Contract Filter Editor to control the data displayed.
The first section of this guide explains all aspects of setting up and configuring Event Activities, followed by how to use the Activities tab in the Contract Management Console.
Related Document: Setting Up and Using Event Activities
February 07, 2020
Banking Console Product Guide updated
The Banking Console Product Guide has been updated to reflect the ability to set up automatic bank data feeds for bank accounts. 
February 07, 2020
Contracts Job Costing Forecasting Process Guide published
This document explains how to setup the Contracts and Job Costing Modules so that the Contract Job Costing Forecast report can be run to show Outstanding Purchase Order Costs in Weekly, Monthly or Quarterly time buckets for cashflow planning purposes.
To make use of the Contract Job Costing Forecast report, the Contracts & Job Costing modules for the dataset should be configured consistent with the BusinessCraft Residential Building Tutorial. Additional configuration required includes:
Create TMR Codes for the purposes of running the report
Link Cost Centres to those TMR Codes
Link those TMR Codes to Sale Group Stages
The estimated cashflow outflow for each Outstanding Purchase Order is determined by using the Cost Centre for the Purchase Order, looking up the TMR Code for the Cost Centre, using that TMR Code to determine the Sales Stage for the Sale Group for the Contract and then using the Forecast/Registration Date for the Completion Event for the Sales Stage for the cash outflow, optionally extended by the Payment Terms for the Purchase Order Vendor.
This guide explains this additional configuration in detail before explaining how to run the Contract Job Costing Forecast report.
Related Document: Contract Job Costing Forecast Report