
BC Go for iOS enables a wide range of BusinessCraft Contract related processes to be carried out using an iOS device. It is anticipated this will be of significant benefit to mobile users when travelling or on site.

When installed and with authorised access, mobile users can leverage their iOS device to:

  • View/search Contracts and Contract Details including adding notes, as well as map and legacy callup options

  • Review, edit and register/unregister Contract Milestones

  • Review, edit and register/unregister Contract Events and Checklist Events

  • Review, edit and register/unregister Contract Progress Claim events including adding photos with notes

  • Review, edit, copy and cancel Contract Purchase Orders including adding new Purchase Orders with auto-issue option subject to ETS limits.

  • Review, edit, add and share Contract Documents with file attachments and notes

  • View Contract Contacts with options to call, email, share and copy to clipboard

  • Review, edit, add, print, mark Contract Checklists complete including responding to individual checklist questions with photos where applicable

  • Review, edit, update and add Contract Service Requests

  • Lodge new Supplier Applications

System Requirements

  • iOS8.0 or later

  • A compatible device as specified in the App Store for the application.

Installing BusinessCraft GO on an iOS Device

Using the mobile device that will be used to run the application, go to the App Store and search for BusinessCraft Go

  • Check the compatibility section to ensure the mobile device is supported.

  • Tap Get to install the app, following any App Store prompts required (if BusinessCraft GO has been previously installed and removed from the device, the Get icon will instead be a Cloud Download icon)

  • Once installed, the Get Button changes to Open

  • Tap Open to open BusinessCraft GO

Opening BusinessCraft GO on an iOS Device

After tapping Open, the BusinessCraft Go app starts and on the first occasion will provide a prompt to allow network access – set to Allow so that BC Go will work on Wi-Fi as well as on Cellular (this setting can be subsequently changed in Settings > BC Go! on the device):

Logging in to a Dataset

After responding to the Notifications prompt, the Welcome screen is displayed providing the option to enter a BusinessCraft dataset URL or use a demo dataset:

Selecting the Try Demo option will automatically log into a demonstration dataset.

Entering a valid BC GO enabled BusinessCraft dataset URL will open a login page:

Enter a valid username and password, click Login and the My Contracts screen is displayed showing those contracts where the logged in user matches the criteria specified in BC Go > Settings > General Settings:

After logging out of BC Go, the system will remember the login used to enable faster login when required. This also caters for users who may need to login to different datasets by providing a list of previous logins to select from:

Options are provided to establish a new connection and access the demo dataset.

My Contracts

The My Contracts screen provides a list of Contracts that matches the criteria specified in BC Go > Settings > General Settings. The data shown on screen is displayed from the server. If a lack of network connectivity (cellular or Wi-Fi) is anticipated, then it is recommended to download data for the required contracts to the device prior to losing connectivity (see later in this document on available download options).

Hamburger Menu Icon (Three Horizontal Lines)

Tapping the Hamburger Menu icon in the left-hand corner overlays the BC Go menu with a range of selections as well as displaying the logged in dataset and username:

Currently the menu provides the following selections – these will be explained in detail later in this document:

  • Contracts – opens the My contracts screen

  • Vendors – opens the Vendors screen with links to Supplier Applications

  • Service Requests – opens the Service requests screen

  • Calendar – opens the legacy Callup Calendar

  • Settings – opens the Settings for the application

  • Error Logs – opens the Error Logs screen

  • Logout – logout of the application and return to the login screen

Click away from the menu or select Contracts to return to the My Contracts screen.

Title Bar

The Title Bar shows the screen name and the number of records currently displayed in the grid.

Cloud Download Icon

This icon provides the option to download the Contract Details for either:

  • All My Contracts

  • Filtered Contracts Only – if no filter is applied All My Contracts will be downloaded

  • Cancel – exit the Download Contract Details screen

  • Once a download commences, the download can be cancelled, however any contracts already downloaded will remain downloaded.

  • When a Contract has been downloaded, the Cloud Download icon will display to the left of the downloaded contract.

To refresh the My Contract List, drag down from the middle of the screen, and tap Yes to clear the downloads and refresh the list.

More Icon (3 Vertical Dots)

The More Icon provides access to an Options menu which currently only contains a Recent History option.

Search My Contracts

Provides the ability to enter text and carry out a search of the My Contracts data for that text.

Sort Button

The Sort Button defaults to sort the My Contracts data by Contract Number in a decreasing order. Clicking the button opens the Sort Order screen to sort using different fields and to choose the sort order.

After changing the Sort Order and clicking Done, the My Contracts screen will be sorted using the selected criteria, the Sort Button will display the new Sort Criteria Name in the button and an arrow to indicate the Sort Order.

Filter Button

The Filter button provides the option to further filter the My Contracts Data. Clicking the button opens the Contract Filters screen with options to apply additional filters to the already displayed data:

A Clear button is provided within the Contract Filters screen to clear an existing filter without having to exit the screen and use the Clear button on the My Contract screen. After applying a filter and returning to the My Contracts screen, the Filter button is shaded grey to indicate a filter has been applied to the data.

Clear Button

The Clear Button on the My Contracts screen clears any existing applied Filters and refreshes the My Contract data using the criteria specified in BC Go > Settings > General Settings.

My Contracts Grid Data

The My Contract Grid comprises 7 fields for each Contract displayed. The fields displayed can be configured from a list of available fields in BC Go > Settings > General Settings. In this example, the fields configured are Contract Number, Building Supervisor, House Dependency Code, Project, Next Milestone (Percentage Complete and Description), Site Address and Customer.

Contract Details

To see more detail for a specific contract in the My Contracts screen, tap on the required contract and the Contract Details screen is displayed for that contract:

Clicking the information icon in the top right-hand corner of the Contract will display Extra Contract Details for that contract.

To close the screen, tap the down arrow or click on the contract screen behind the Extra Contract Details.

Scroll down to see more fields available.

Clicking the Location icon next to the Site Address or at the bottom of the screen will open a menu with options to:

  • Open the Site Address with a marker in iOS Maps

  • Copy the Site Address text to the Clipboard

  • Copy the Site Address text and open the iOS Share Sheet

Clicking the refresh icon will refresh the details for this contract from the server provided the device has connectivity.

Clicking the Calendar icon will display the legacy Callup Calendar:

Clicking the note icon displays any notes recorded for the contract with a search capability and the option to add new notes with an importance rating. The number of notes is indicated on the icon.

Only settings specified Document Types will be displayed as Contract Notes. Similarly, only settings specified Document Types can be added as Notes.

For existing notes, options are provided to initiate an email, share the note and to view the note details.

The notes screen provides options for sort criteria and sort order and icons to refresh the notes screen and add new notes.

Clicking the camera icon displays any photos for the contract with a search capability and the option to add up to 10 photos to a selected photo gallery.

Photos can be either added from the iOS photo library or taken with the device camera. A caption and notes can be added to each photo. The number of photos linked to the contract is indicated on the icon.

For existing photos, options are provided to initiate an email, share the photo and to view the photo details.

The photos screen provides options for sort criteria and sort order and icons to refresh the photos screen and add new photos.

Within Contract Details are menus for:

  • Milestones

  • Events

  • Claims

  • Orders

  • Documents

  • Contacts

  • Checklists

  • Service Requests

Provided, Call Forward is configured for the dataset, the Call Forward button near the bottom of the screen opens the Call Forward screen for the contract. Call Forward is explained in a separate guide.

Each of these menu selections will now be explained.


The Milestones menu for the selected contract shows those events linked to Stages for the Sales Group that has been assigned to the Contract. An option to Re-Forecast is provided.

The Milestones Title shows the number of milestones (stages) registered and the total milestones for the contract. Click Done to return to the Contract Details Page (a re-forecast is triggered)

  • For each milestone, the event number, the event description, the registration/forecast date, the due date and the number of days between the registration/forecast date and due date are shown.

  • Events with solid green or red registration/forecast dates have been registered (i.e., the date is the registration date). This is emphasised with a tick on the left-hand side of the event.

  • Events with transparent green or red registration/forecast events have not been registered (i.e., the date is a forecast date) and the forecast is ahead of the due date.

  • Events with transparent red registration/forecast events have not been registered (i.e., the date is a forecast date) and the forecast is after the due date.

  • In each case, the days indicate the number of days difference between the registration/forecast date and the due date.

  • A tick with a square background indicates the event can be unregistered.

  • A tick without a square background indicates that the event cannot be unregistered until subsequent dependant events have been unregistered.

  • A pencil icon underneath the number of days indicator, indicates that there are notes recorded against that event.

  • Where a milestone has checklist events, a list icon is displayed under the days indicator.

  • Clicking on a milestone without checklist events will open the Event Details screen providing options (subject to security) to register the event or if registered, to unregister the event, or to edit the event. Additional information required as part of registration will be enforced.

  • Clicking on the registration/forecast date for an event without checklist events that has not been registered, will register the event with the current date.

  • For any event where the edit option is provided, the percentage complete can be updated using a slider, the forecast date can be changed, an employee responsible can be selected, a reference can be entered, where applicable an amount can be provided, and notes can be entered.

  • Clicking on a milestone with checklist events will open the Checklist screen with the event at the top of the screen and the checklists events underneath it. Options are provided (subject to security) to register each checklist event or if registered, to unregister the event or to edit the event. Additional information required as part of registration will be enforced.

  • Clicking on the registration/forecast date for an event with checklist events that has not been registered, will open the Checklist screen for that event.

  • For any event where the edit option is provided, the percentage complete can be updated using a slider, the forecast date can be changed, an employee responsible can be selected, a reference can be entered, where applicable an amount can be provided, and notes can be entered.


The Events menu for the selected contract shows all the events (not just Milestones) defined for the Sales Group that has been assigned to the Contract. An option to Re-Forecast is provided.

In all other aspects the functionality for Events is the same as that provided for Milestones.


The Claims menu for the selected contract shows the Progress Billing Stages for the Contract including the event code that must be registered before the Progress Claim stage can be invoiced.

The event can be registered from within the Claims screen provided any predecessor dependencies have been registered. If not registered, the event can be edited in the same events can be edited from within the Milestones and Event menus.

  • The same colour coding approach is used to indicate whether the event linked to the progress billing stage is registered or not and whether it is on/ahead of due date or behind.

  • When the event has been registered, a Ready indicator is displayed above the registration/date to indicate the progress billing stage is ready for invoicing.

  • Tapping on the Event Number opens the Event Details with options to edit,Register/Unregister

  • Tapping on the Claim Stage opens the Photos screen providing the ability to view existing or add new Photos from the Camera or Photo Library of the mobile device to the Progress Billing Stage.

  • When adding photos up to 10 photos can be added to each Photo Gallery. Photo Galleries can be created from within the Photos screen as needed.

  • If photos have been added to a Progress Billing Stage event, a camera icon is displayed underneath the Claim Stage name with the number of photos to the right of the camera icon.


The Orders menu for the selected contract provides the ability to add and/or review Purchase Orders issued to suppliers and subcontractors for the Contract.

Tap on the Orders menu from within the selected Contract and the Orders List is displayed:

  • Tap < Back to return to the Contract

  • Tap Add to create a new Purchase Order for the Contract

  • Tap the Sort Button (currently set to Date from Newest to Oldest) to sort by Order Date or Order Number and either from Oldest to Newest or vice versa). The button name and arrow reflect the current sort option and order.

  • Tap the My Orders button to cycle between only showing the logged in user’s Purchase Orders or all Purchase Orders. The button is shaded grey when showing only My Orders and has a white background when showing all orders.

  • Tap the Cost Centre Button to filter the Order List for All Cost Centres or a specific Cost Centre. If a specific Cost Centre filter is chosen, the button shows that Cost Centre’s name.

The Order List shows the Order Date, Order Number, Vendor Name, a PDF available icon, the Order Status and the Order Amount.

Settings for Orders determine:

  • If Purchase Order functionality is available in BC Go for iOS

  • If Purchase Orders can be created in BC Go for iOS

  • If Purchase Orders are automatically Issued if the PO Value is less than the ETS Limit

  • The Purchase Order Automatic Issue ETS Limit

  • The default Unit of Measure Code

  • The default Purchase Order Printer Template

  • If Unissued Purchase Order Numbers should be displayed or not

  • Any Vendor Codes that should be suppressed from the Orders module in BC Go for iOS

  • Any Cost Centre Codes that should be suppressed from the Orders module in BC Go for iOS

  • The Save Path for PDFs created for Purchase Orders

Tap a Purchase Order in the Purchase Order List to view the Purchase Order details:

  • Tap < Back to return to the Purchase Order List

  • The Order Date, Order Number, Vendor Name, Cost Centre Name, Order Status, Order Value, and the Amount Available

  • Tapping the PDF icon will open the Purchase Order in PDF format using the Purchase Order Template defined in Order Settings.

  • Tapping the Information icon will display additional information for the Purchase Order including PO Remarks (typically Site Address), the Full Vendor Name and Vendor Code, the Purchase Order Cost Centre Name and Code, Purchase Order Header Notes

  • The Purchase Order Lines are shown underneath the Purchase Order Header information. Typically, 4 lines are shown – scroll down to see additional lines.

Tap the Edit button to open the Edit Actions menu providing various options depending on the status of the Purchase Order:

  • For Issued Orders, Edit Actions include Copy Order and Edit Callup (Legacy Callup)

  • For Pending Orders, Edit Actions include Cancel, Edit and Copy Order

  • For Completed Orders the Edit Button is not available and instead there is a Copy Order button only.

  • The Copy Order option when available will copy the order and provide options to make various changes to the new order before saving.

  • The Cancel Order option when available will cancel the Purchase Order. Cancelled Orders do not appear in the Purchase Order List.

  • The Edit Order option when available provides the ability to make changes to any of the fields displayed in the Details, ETS and Items tabs.

After choosing the Edit Order option, the Edit Purchase Order screen is displayed providing the ability to edit information on the Details, ETS and Items tabs:

After tapping the Add option in the Top right-hand corner of the Purchase Order List, the Add Purchase Order screen is displayed with the Details, ETS and Items tabs available. The Save button will turn green once all required fields have been completed:


The Documents menu for the selected contract provides the ability to add and/or review Documents (Notes with file attachments) as distinct from Notes that are accessed using the Edit icon at the bottom of the Contract screen.

Only Document Types with the Available Offline Flag set to Y in BusinessCraft will be shown on the Contracts Documents Page. Tap on the Document menu from within the selected Contract and the Documents List is displayed:

  • Tap < Back to return to the Contract

  • Tap Add to add a new Document to the Contract

  • Tap the Sort Button (currently set to Modified Date from Newest to Oldest) to sort by Modified Date, Creation Date, Sequence Number, Category, Document Type, or Importance Rating. Sort from Oldest to Newest or vice versa. The button name and arrow reflect the current sort option and order.

  • Tap the Filter button to filter the Document List for a specific Category and or Document Type. The filter button is shaded grey when a filter is applied.

  • Tap the Clear button to clear an active Filter without having to go into the Filter screen.

  • The Document List shows the Document Creation Date and Time, if applicable - the Importance Rating and an icon indicating the Attachment File Type, the Document Name, Document Notes, the Document Category and the Document Type.

Application Settings for Documents determine:

  • The Document Types to be shown on the Contract Notes page

  • The Document Types to be shown on the Contract Photos page

  • The Photo Gallery Document Types to be shown on the Contract Photos page

  • The Document Types that can be created on the Contract Notes Page

  • The Document Types that can be created on the Contract Photos Page

  • The File Attachment Document Types that can be created on the Contract Documents Page

  • The Photo Gallery Document Types that can be created on the Contract Photos Gallery Selection page

  • Whether the Document Reference filed can be edited on creation

  • If the Importance Rating field can be edited during Photo/Gallery creation

Tap a Document in the Document List to either open the attachment or where there is no attachment to view the Document Details.

To prevent the attachment opening and instead to view the Document Details tap the >. After viewing the Document Details either tap < Back to return to the Document List or tap the View Document button to view the attachment. Where there is no attachment the View Document button will be greyed out.

  • Tap < Back to return to the Document List

  • The Document Date, Document Time, Created By User, Document Name, Document Category, Document Type Document Reference, and where applicable, Document Importance Rating, Document Notes and File Size are displayed

  • Tapping the View Document button will display the file Attachment/s.

  • Depending on the device and the file type, the iOS Share, Search and/or Markup icons will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.

From the Documents List screen, tap Add to add a new Document to the Contract. Please note that this is a Document with an Attachment. (Notes are added from the Contract Details screen using the Pencil icon at the bottom of the screen.)

  • Up to 5 Files can be attached at one time

  • The Document requires a Description, whilst an Importance Rating, linking to a Progress Claim Billing Stage and Notes are options.

  • When requirements are met the red prompts at the bottom of the screen are suppressed and the Save button changes colour to green and can be tapped to save and exit.


The Contacts menu for the selected contract displays the contacts for the Contract. Contacts cannot be added, edited or deleted in BC Go for iOS, however options to copy to clipboard, email and call are provided.

  • For each Contact, the Contact Type, Contact Name, Mobile Phone, Work Phone and Email Address are shown if available.

  • Tapping the Phone or Email Address will provide options to Copy to the Clipboard, Share, and either Call or Email depending on the data tapped. Tap Cancel to exit from the actions available.

  • Scroll down to see more Contacts.


The Checklists menu for the selected contract displays the checklists created for that contract. Contract Checklists (Templates) comprise Extra Information Questions and Answers set up in BusinessCraft that can then be added, edited and completed as part of the Contract Management process within BC Go for iOS.

  • Tapping on Checklists for a Contract opens the Checklists List view showing the Checklists applicable to that Contract and their status. The Status can be Incomplete (there are required items on the checklist that need to be answered), Ready (the Checklist can be Completed without completing the Checklist Items) or Complete.

  • The Date and Time Created, the Checklist Name, a sequence number, the Checklist Template code used to create the Checklist and the Checklist Status are displayed for each Checklist.

  • When a Checklist is created, its Status is Incomplete or Ready. Incomplete Checklists will change to Ready when any required Checklist Items have been answered.

  • After tapping on a Checklist in the Checklist List screen, the Checklist Details screen is displayed.

  • The Checklist Details screen displays the Date and Time Created, the Checklist Name, the Checklist Status, the number of Checklist Items completed/the Total Number of Checklist Items and the Checklist Template Code.

  • The Continue to Checklist button will open the Checklist Items screen where those items can be answered.

  • The Mark as Complete button will change to green so that the Checklist can be Marked Complete provided any required Checklist Items have been answered. The Print Button provides the option to print the Checklist. Click Done to exit the Checklist Details screen and return to the Checklist List screen.

  • After tapping on the Continue Checklist button, the Checklist Items screen is displayed.

  • Any Checklist Items that must be answered are identified with a red line to the left of the Checklist Item. Checklist cannot be Marked Complete until required Checklist Items are answered.

  • Checklist Items can comprise a variety of answer types – e.g., text, date, drop down list, signature.

  • Photos can be added to Checklist Items where a Camera icon appears below that Checklist Item. Tapping the Camera icon opens the Add Photos screen where up to 10 photos can be added either directly from the iOS Camera or the iOS Photo Library. At least 1 photo and a caption must be added.

  • An option to Clear answers is available for most Checklist Items.

  • Click Close to exit the Checklist Items screen and return to the Checklist Details screen

  • Tap Add on the Checklist List screen to add a new Checklist to the Contract.

  • The Add Checklist screen is displayed.

  • Select a Template that will be used to create the new Checklist. The Template Description is displayed.

  • Tap Save to add the Checklist of the Contract and return to the Checklist List screen.

Service Requests

The Service Requests menu for the selected contract displays the Service Requests for the Contract. Service Requests can be added, edited, or deleted in BC Go for iOS subject to their Status. Service Request Lines can be edited. Closed and reopened as needed.

  • After tapping on the Service Request menu for a Contract in the Contract List screen, the Service Request Types screen is displayed.

  • Each Service Request Type for the dataset is displayed, with a number indicating how many Service Requests exist for each Type.

  • Tap the < to return to the Contract List screen

  • Tap on any specific Service Request Type or the All Requests option to open the Service Requests List screen

  • In this example, the Defect Type was selected from the Service Request Type screen. Tap < Back to return to the Service Request Types screen.

  • Tap Add to create a new Service Request for the Contract

  • Tap the Sort Button (currently set to Request ID in increasing Order) to sort by Request ID, request Date, Site Supervisor, Contract Number, Lot No or Street and either in Increasing or Decreasing Order). The button name and arrow reflect the current sort option and order.

  • Tap the Filter button to filter based on Service Supervisor and/or Status. The Clear button allows the Filter to be cleared without going back into the filter screen.

  • For each Service Request, the Service Request Id, Service Request Lines Status/Service Request Status, Site Address, Date Created, Contract, Service Supervisor and Service Request Type are displayed.

  • After tapping on a Service Request in the Service Request List screen, the Service Request Header screen is displayed.

  • Tap Edit to open the Service Request Edit screen or Done to return to the Service Requests List screen.

  • The Service Request Date, Service Request ID, Service Request Due Date and Time, Site Address (with Map Locator icon) and Service Request Type are displayed.

  • The Lines Panel shows the number of Service Lines completed and the total number of Lines. Tap on the Panel to go to the Service Request Lines.

  • Tap on the Documents Panel to go to the Documents screen for the Service Request.

  • The Action button provides options to Delete or Print the Service Request.

At the bottom of the screen, the Contract, Service Supervisor, and any Extra Information for the Service Request is displayed.

  • Tapping on the Lines panel in a Service Request, opens the Service Request Lines screen for that Service Request.

  • For each Service Line, the Service Line number, Service Line Status, Service Line Description, Service Line Original Notes, Service Line Vendor Name and Service Line Type are displayed.

  • A Tick Box on the left enables the Line to be marked complete.

  • Tapping on a Service Request Line displays the Service Line Details screen with options to Edit or Delete the line.

  • The Edit screen provides options to change the information in most fields as well as adding Response notes and changing the status of the line including closing the line.

  • The Add option at the top of the screen provides the option to add additional Service Lines to the Service Request.

  • Tapping on the Document panel in a Service Request, opens the Documents List screen for that Service Request

  • The Documents List screen provides the same Search, Sort and Filter options as explained in other screens.

  • For each Document, the Date and Time Created, an icon indicating the type of attachment, the Document Name, the Service Request Type and Service Request Category are displayed.

  • Tap a Document in the Document List to either open the attachment or where there is no attachment to view the Document Details.

  • To prevent the attachment opening and instead to view the Document Details tap the >. After viewing the Document Details either tap < Back to return to the Document List or tap the View Document button to view the attachment. Where there is no attachment the View Document button will be greyed out.

  • Tap < Back to return to the Document List

From the Documents List screen, tap Add to add a new Document to the Service Request. Please note that this is a Document with an Attachment.

  • Up to 5 Files can be attached at one time

  • The Document requires a Description, whilst an Importance Rating and Notes are options.

  • When requirements are met the red prompts at the bottom of the screen are suppressed and the Save button changes colour to green and can be tapped to save and exit.


The Vendors menu in the Sidebar provides the ability to view Vendor details as well view existing Supplier Applications and add new Supplier Applications. Tap the Vendors menu to open the Vendors List screen:

  • Tap the Hamburger icon to return to the Sidebar.

  • Tap the Applications option or the Pending Applications button at the bottom of the screen to open the Supplier Applications List screen.

  • A Search option is provided.

  • The Category button opens the Vendor Category List Filter to enable the vendor list to be filtered based on Settings permitted Vendor Categories. When applied the Category button name changes to show the Vendor Category Filter that has been applied. The Clear button enables the filter to be cleared without having to go back to the Vendor Category screen.

  • For each Vendor, the Vendor Name and Vendor code is displayed.

Tapping on a Vendor opens the Vendor Details screen (display only) showing Vendor and Vendor Contact Details. Tapping on fields trigger the standard iOS actions such as Copy to Clipboard, Open Maps, Create Email, Call and Share.

  • Tapping on Supplier Applications or Pending Supplier Applications in the Vendor List screen, opens the supplier Applications List screen.

  • A Search option is provided as well as Filter by Status option.

  • For each Application, the Vendor Name, Primary Contact, Application Number and Application Status is shown.

  • New Supplier Applications can be created using the Add button. No other Supplier Application functions can be carried out within BC Go for iOS other than to Add or Review.

  • Access Supplier Application details by tapping on an Application. Standard iOS functions such as Copy to Clipboard, Call, Email. Maps and Share capabilities are available.

Service Requests

The Service Requests menu in the Sidebar provides the ability to review all Service Requests as distinct from the Service Requests option within each Contract which is Contract specific. Otherwise, the functionality is the same and will not be repeated in the document here.


The Calendar menu in the Sidebar provides the ability to review all Legacy Callup details as distinct from the Callup option within each Contract which is Contract specific. Otherwise, the functionality is the same and will not be repeated in the document here.


The Settings menu in the Sidebar provides the ability to review all Settings for the application. In some cases, the Settings are display and must be configured in the BusinessCraft application, in other cases the settings are configurable for BC Go for iOS.

At the top of the screen the BC Go for iOS version is displayed, including the Build number and the API Version.

Settings are categorised into General Settings, Photo Upload Settings and Preferences.

Options are provided for Support Information which can be Shared, refreshing Local Data, and Resetting Registration.

Revision 1

18th July 2023